Sports Points
Thank you Boeing for your generous
contribution to our Sports Program!
What we do for fun!
The members of the Gateway Paralyzed Veterans of America are actively involved with many sports activities. Our members have participated in swimming, quad rugby, handcycling, archery, air rifle, bowling, basketball, track and field events, fishing, billiards, table tennis, slalom, sled hockey, weight lifting, adaptive snow and water skiing. Three of our most popular activities are the annual Winter Sports Clinic held in Snowmass, Colorado, the National Veterans Wheelchair Games held every year in a different location, and the YMCA Trout Lodge Adventure. The Chapter can help provide our members with funding to attend these three events, as well as other PVA or VA recreation events. Sports points may be redeemed by members and associate members for any number of events throughout the fiscal year in which the sports points were earned. This usage will be awarded at $10 per point earned, up to $4,000 annually and only awarded after a travel reimbursement form and accompanying reciepts have been submitted to the Executive Director. These items MUST be submitted within 30 days following the occurrence of the event. If multiple events are attended during a Sports Year, the qualifying points are subtracted from the member's total (e.g. a member has 150 points and the NVWG uses 90 points for funding, then remaining points = 60).
Members and associate members who have earned sports points but who have not attended athletic or other recreation activities during the fiscal year may elect to redeem their accrued sports points in a non-cash distribution in the form of a Visa gift card. These points are redeemable at $1 per point, up to $400 annually. The member or associate member must have accrued a minimum of 25 points during the fiscal year to be eligible for this redemption. To redeem these points please contact the Executive Director.
A Sports Points Year begins the day after the BOD (Board of Directors) meeting that occurs at least 30 days prior to the start of the NVWG and ends the day of that BOD meeting. To clarify, points begin accruing at the June BOD meeting and cease accruing for the previous year at the same BOD meeting. Sports points earned in the previous fiscal year do not roll over into the next fiscal year. Members and associate members must redeem their previous fiscal year sports points by August 31 of the following fiscal year, regardless of usage. It is important to note that sports points MAY NOT be redeemed for both athletic/recreation reimbursements and gift cards.
Sports Participation Points are awarded for different categories. To obtain Sports Points credit, a member has to be present for at least a 1/2 hour at luncheons and one hour at all other events. It is the member's responsibility to make sure their name is on the roster at each event. The categories and their respective points are given below. Please contact the Executive Director to find out how many points you currently have earned.
The following are listed by category/definition/points.
1 - Attend a Chapter function (JB monthly luncheon, other activities such as the annual KC Members Forum, KC SCI Clinic meetings, Gateway Annual Picnic, etc.) 5 points
2 - Attend a community function as a Chapter representative (i.e. PVA Awareness Month events, Veterans Day Parade, Annual JB SCI Memorial Service) 10 points
3 - Attend a quarterly membership meeting 15 points
4 - Attend a monthly Board of Directors meeting as a non-Board member 15 points
5 - Chair an active committee of the Gateway Chapter PVA 25 points
6 - Serve on an active committee of the Gateway PVA (as determined by the Committee chairman) 15 points
7 - Write an original article that is printed in the bi-monthly newsletter (One per year for President and Vice President)- Article must fill up half a page or more in 12 font print and be approved by the President 15 points
8 - Sign up a new voting Gateway PVA member (PVA Board Members are ineligible for this category) 25 points
9 - Volunteer in the Chapter office by folding/mailing newsletters, making copies, or other in-office tasks as determined by the Executive Director- This includes Gateway PVA telephone surveys. Member must complete within 30 days, a time reporting form, including the type of activity, the date and the number of hours spent volunteering. The form must be submitted to the Executive Director within 30 days of the first reported activity (per half hour) 5 points
10 - Attend an official Gateway PVA Fundraiser (e.g. Golf tournament, Kuk Sool Won event, CFC events, Poker Runs, Trivia Night, etc) 20 points
11- Direct/Individual fundraising efforts- Receive 5 points for every $50 raised 5 points
12 - Documented volunteer Peer Counseling at JB or JC as part of an approved PVA program. Member must complete within 30 days, a time reporting form, including the type of activity, the date and the number of hours spent counseling. The form must be submitted to the Executive Director and the Clinical Psychologist in charge within 30 days of the first reported activity (per hour) 10 points
13 - Attend a Memorial or Funeral of a Gateway PVA member- Call office for further information 15 points
14 - Placement of PVA clothing drop box (as verified by PVA) 20 points
15 - Referral of donor to PVA for Car Donation Program (donated car verified by PVA) 10 points
16 - Donate one bag (one standard kitchen sized bag) of clothing gently used and in good condition delivered to our office during normal business hours. Please call first to make sure office is open 1 point
Boeing Sponsored Sports Events