

All Chapters of the Paralyzed Veterans of America are required to have a fundraising program. Our upcoming fundraisers can be found here. We receive no federal funding to support operations, so your support is essential. When you donate to Gateway PVA, ALL of your money stays at our Chapter. Gateway PVA is a St. Louis Better Business Bureau Honor Roll Charity; we meet all 20 of the requisite standardsand heve received the BBB Torch Award for Ethics. We are also a Guidestar Platinum Level Participant. While still paying utilities, salaries, and other overhead, 90% of what we spend goes directly to our programs. To make a donation, please call 1-800-426-4058 or follow the instructions on the "Donations" tab. Please specify that you would like your donation to go toward our sports program if you would like to sponsor a veteran in this year's wheelchair games!