You've Got a Friend, Cindy

By Cynthea Rockwell

Many of you would be shocked to know that five years ago, I was in a wheelchair full time and needed to be Hoyer lifted in and out of bed. The VA had given up on me and was recommending that my family should place me in a nursing home. Thank God for my sister, Kim, who would not give up on me.

Many of my accomplishments are due to her. If you think I am like a dog fighting over a bone, you should meet her.

I fought my way out of the wheelchair and started to put my life back together. It was time to get out from in front of the TV and start functioning again. One of the biggest goals I made was to drive again. I had to learn to drive using hand controls. I worked with a lady named Pat, who helped me to reach my goal. Not only did Pat help me to regain my independence, but she also introduced me to the PVA, which I will always be grateful for. The PVA did not hesitate to help me, even though they did not know me or had never met me. The PVA paid and arranged for my car to be picked up, have controls installed on my car, and delivered back to me all in a days’ time.

Getting up and moving and being able to drive were two of the biggest life changing events in my life. These two events have changed my outlook on my life and have helped me to be the person I am today.

I am now working with Charley in the pool, and he has suggested to me that I should learn to scuba dive. Me being petrified of water thought, maybe snorkeling would suit me better. So, I gave it a try, and it was good.  So, I decided to use my new snorkeling skills, and off to Atlanta, Georgia I went. My destination was the Georgia Aquarium where I was going to snorkel in the giant pool with the even bigger, whale sharks. This is where I met PVA member Rose. Rose and I sat and talked about how wonderful the PVA is and how they could help me to live a more fulfilled life. When I arrived home, I decided to check out my local PVA and boy did I get hooked. I have made friends, a connection I had been missing. When I made friends, I also became one.

Who hasn’t heard “I don’t have to call the fire department do I”? This is a running joke among the PVA members. What’s a friend for?

Not only are the PVA members a huge part of my life, so are the many folks that play a large part in supporting the members. Thank you to Katarina and Chris who have fielded my many questions. They are essential in keeping us all on track, and I am very thankful you are a part of my life. I can’t forget Martha and John for getting us where we need to be and being present at our many events. They are much more than drivers, they are friends. I am sure sometimes we can be handfuls, but Martha and John are always there to give a hand and a smile.

 I can never thank this organization enough or be more grateful for their assistance and their friendship. I want you all to know that you have touched my life and I thank you for being there for me.